Can smartphones replace Android TV remotes? Can smartphones be used as Android TV remotes? Is there no remote control? It’s no problem. Nowadays almost every Android TV has a built-in voice-activated remote which is mostly used to navigate for content. And the voice remote is mostly Google Assistant. But, there are occasions when you may […]
Best Picture Setting for Vizio TV | Ultimate Guide
If you are like most people, you probably just leave your Vizio TV on the default settings. This is a big mistake. The best picture setting for Vizio TV can vary depending on the type of content that you are watching. Like most people, you want your television to look its best. This is especially […]
Samsung Tv Error Code 118 Fixed – Easy Method
Samsung Tv Error Code 118 is one of the most common errors that Samsung smart TV users face. This error usually occurs when you try to update or install an app from the Samsung smart hub. The good news is that there are a few ways to fix this issue. In this blog post, we […]
Samsung TV Error Code 105 Fixed – Best Guide
If you have a smart TV in your home, it must be connected with a high-speed internet connection in order to run various applications on it. So, whenever you buy a smart TV you should first have a proper internet connection that allows you to get all the services available on it. As such, without […]
Unable to Connect to Samsung Server – 2022 Best Way To Fix
Do you love to watch movies and web series on your Samsung smart tv? If yes, then probably you faced sometime unable to connect to Samsung server error. Here I am going to guide you on how you can solve your Samsung server related errors. The error message contains “Unable to connect to Samsung server. […]
What Is Samsung Smart Hub TV? – Best Guide in 2022
Samsung Smart Hub TV is Samsung’s latest innovation in home entertainment. Samsung has long been a leader in the electronics industry, and Samsung Smart Hub TV is just one example of the innovative products that they have to offer. Samsung Smart Hub TV can be seen as an intelligent menu system for your Samsung smart […]