Top 5 Best Android Camera Apps for Snapping Photos!

Top 5 Best Android Camera Apps

The flood of accessible and affordable digital capture devices (particularly digital cameras and smartphones) has enabled millions of people worldwide to self-produce digital content. Armed with handheld digicams or camera-enabled smartphones, millions of people around the world flood social networking sites on a daily basis with petabytes (or exabytes, zettabytes, or even yottabytes) of digital images reflecting life on the planet.

You no longer need to hire a professional photographer to capture important moments in your life because digital cameras (both point-and-shoot and professional SLRs) are now widely available. Many decent cameras are within any poor person’s means. Furthermore, almost all phones nowadays include at least a VGA-resolution camera.

If you are an Android user who is also interested in professional photography, your eyes and hands will yearn for a professional SLR camera. But, if you’re a regular Android user who just wants to use your Android camera to capture images of life’s moments (with family, friends, and loved ones) as they happen, here are the top 5 most-rated and most-installed Android camera apps.

All of these apps are free, available from the Android Market, and instantly transform your Android phone into a handheld digicam with varying photo effects and post-processing capabilities. Choose one or two, or install all of them and test them all. Make sure you have plenty of space on your SD card for your photos. Go ahead and save images of those priceless moments in your life.

FxCamera (by ymst)


All you need is an Android phone and FxCamera to pretend you’re a professional photographer with cutting-edge camera filters. FxCamera is a straightforward camera app that can produce stunning results. Despite its limited effects, FxCamera’s simplicity brings point-and-shoot camera functionality to your Android phone. Aside from taking regular, vivid photos with your camera, you can also use it to automatically apply lens filters for Polandroid, ToyCam, Fisheye, Warhol, and SymmetriCam effects. FxCamera adds digital effects to the camera on your Android device.

Camera360 Free (by PinGuo Inc.)

If FxCamera provides basic digicam functionality, Camera360 Free takes digicam-on-Android to the next level. You’re probably already familiar with the standard digital camera modes, which vary depending on the make and model. However, Camera360 Free bundles six of them into your Android device: Normal Mode, Effect Mode, Color-shift Mode, Tilt-shift Mode, Scenery Mode, and-my personal favorite-Funny Mode. Each camera mode has several fascinating effects, such as the Retro Effect, Back to 1839, LOMO, and the Art of Black and White. Experience how Camera360 Free rotates your Android camera 360 degrees.


Camera Fun Free (by SpiceLoop)

Camera Fun Free exemplifies true point-and-shoot. This app eliminates the need to review your exposure after taking the shot because it allows you to preview the photo effect right on the camera viewfinder before taking the shot. You point, shoot, and review with a standard point-and-shoot camera. You simply point and shoot with Camera Fun Free. The free version only includes six filters or effects: Sepia, Sketch, Canvas, Mirror, Color X-Ray, and Mirror. The pro (paid) version includes 23 additional effects. With Camera Fun Free, you can point, shoot, and have fun for free.


Little Photo (by Moment)

The Camera Fun Free app allows you to preview your photo subject as well as the photo effect. In the case of Little Photo, you need to shoot the subject first before you can apply the effects. The great thing about Little Photo is that you can layer multiple effects on top of each other on the same image. You’ll be amazed at the various combinations of effects that you can produce for your photo using this app. Don’t be deceived by the app’s name. Little Photo with Big Photo Effects is the name of this application. The only limit is your imagination.

Retro Camera (by Urbian)


Install Retro Camera on your Android device if you want your photos to look vintage. Retro Camera specializes in old-school, retro photograph effects. Retro Camera takes photos that can easily fool an untrained eye, thanks to 5 cameras (Bärbl, Little Orange Box, Xolaroid 2000, Pinhole Camera, and FudgeCan) and 5 sets of film effects (e.g., vintage vignettes, black and white, film scratch, cross processing). The effects are so accurate and realistic that you’d think they were shot using an analog camera. If you want instant gratification for your nostalgic cravings, download this free app right now.



Top 5 Best Android Camera Apps for Snapping Photos!

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